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Throat Chakra 3.0 | Throat Chakra Subliminal | Vishuddha Chakra

Throat Chakra 3.0 is a powerful subliminal program designed to open, balance, and heal your throat Chakra, Vishuddha.
The fifth Chakra, Vishuddha Chakra, is located at the base of the throat and the center of the larynx. This is the reason this Chakra is also called the Throat Chakra. It is one of the seven chakras. The energy element governed by this Chakra is effective communication. It also represents inspiration and expression. Vishuddha Chakra establishes a solid connection to both verbal and body language.
Hindu and Buddhist traditions believe that the physical and spiritual meet at the seven chakras. These swirling wheels of energy align along the spine. The fifth Chakra, the throat or Vishuddha Chakra, sits in the area of the throat, jaw, neck, mouth, and thyroid.

The Sanskrit word 'vishuddha' means purifying the body from harmful substances. The Throat Chakra restores the energy by detoxifying the impurities from the body and mind. Unhealthy food and polluted air block the Throat Chakra. An active Vishuddhi Chakra contributes to the preservation of health.

The Throat Chakra is associated with the color bright blue. Blue energy is pure, soothing, calming, and healing and connects a person with the divine. The element of space defines the Throat Chakra. Emotions can only expand when there are space and freedom. The seed mantra of Vishuddha Chakra is Ham.
Vishuddha chakra
Element: Sound or space
Color: Blue
Bija mantra (seed sound): Ham (pronounced hum)
Stones and crystals: Aquamarine, turquoise, and other blue stones

How do I know if my throat Chakra is unbalanced?
Emotional signs that the throat chakra may be blocked are feelings of depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem. This may be worsened by being unable to express those feelings.

A throat chakra blockage is often associated with the inability to speak. Something needs to be said, but you can't seem to work up the nerve to spit it out. Or you want to say something but find a lump in your throat or a catch in your voice. This imbalance may also manifest as a fear of speaking in public or even talking openly with people you know. Or perhaps you may speak in a low voice you can't be easily heard.

A blocked vishuddha chakra may make you unwilling or unable to speak up to defend yourself, express your opinion, or state your choices. When difficult conversations arise, you may shut down rather than speak up.

While the throat chakra is associated with silencing, an imbalance in the opposite direction may be signaled by a tendency to talk too much or ramble on without a clear point. You may tend to put your foot in your mouth, use inappropriate language, or make misstatements. If you find yourself interrupting or talking over other people, dominating the conversation, or needing to have the last word, you may want to look for ways to tone down the vishuddha energy.


Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues
Tight shoulders
Thyroid problems
Sore throat
Sores in the mouth or tongue
Gum disease
Ear infections
Sinus infections
Why should you align your throat Chakra?

If clear communication and careful hearing is your goal, taking care of the throat is essential. A balanced throat Chakra helps you communicate with clarity, wisdom, and discernment.

When your throat Chakra is open and balanced, you will find that you are not only able to speak fearlessly and with compassion, but you will also be available to listen to and hear others.


Talking openly and honestly—but with care and concern for others—is a gift to all your relationships. You'll be able to clearly articulate your ideas, feelings, and opinions. When you can express thoughts with clarity, you may also feel heard and understood.

Healthy communication includes nonverbal and internal communication. Speaking truth to yourself—and walking consistently in that truth—is a pathway to enlightenment.

This subliminal Program contains the right affirmations to help you balance your throat Chakra by just listening to this Program while you continue going about your daily activities.

This Program has been made specifically for those who believe in the chakras. The script used in this Throat Chakra/Vishuddha subliminal is entirely different from the ones we use on other programs. Since this program/script is not as complex as other programs, this throat Chakra subliminal was built with the tried and tested 3.0 tech.


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